January 2025 Newsletter






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January 2025

Registration Is Open for Global Symposium 2025

Registration is now open for the Advanced Trauma Life Support® (ATLS) Global Symposium. The symposium has been expanded to 2.5 days, March 14–16, in conjunction with the Committee on Trauma Annual Meeting at the Hilton Chicago. In addition to a focus on the ATLS 11 launch, special educational programming has been added that will include presentations and perspectives from around the world.

Highlights of the outstanding education program for Course Directors, Instructors, Site Coordinators, and Educators include:

  • ATLS 11 updates, including NEW manual preview

  • Fostering successful global ATLS Programs session

  • Expanded session tracks for educators and coordinators

  • ATLS 11 Skills Station Learning Labs

  • Ten peer-reviewed sessions

  • Country anniversary and Trauma Education awards

Check out additional registration and program details for the Global Symposium.

Additional Coordinator Feedback Is Requested

If you have not already submitted feedback, please consider doing so. The ATLS Customer Support Team will have specific time set aside during the Global Symposium to focus on the needs of ATLS Coordinators. The survey link below will allow you to share feedback and provide topics you’d like covered during the symposium. If you are unable to attend, we will make available in a future newsletter a detailed outline and notes from the symposium. Thank you in advance for your thoughts and feedback.

Submit Feedback

ASSET Course Is Now in CMS

Advanced Surgical Skills for Exposure in Trauma (ASSET™) focuses on assessing and treating injuries in five anatomic areas: neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis, and upper and lower extremities. This cadaver course exposes learners to procedures not frequently used but critical when time matters, with hands-on learning and pre-course online modules.

There are endless conveniences and useful features for courses administered through the Course Management System (CMS), such as identifying verified Instructors and Course Directors around the globe, providing official certificates to learners, and documenting successful completion of the course.

The ASSET icon will appear on individual CMS accounts for all confirmed ASSET Coordinators, Instructors, and Course Directors. If the role assigned is incorrect, or if a role should be assigned but is not, contact traumaeducation@facs.org.

For additional information on ASSET in the CMS, see the frequently asked questions.

Be Prepared: Virtual Training for Critical Situations

From preparing for combat operations and humanitarian responses to preparing your local

hospital for mass casualty events, there is a mass casualty and disaster

preparedness virtual training option to suit your needs:

Submit Online Disclosure Form

The beginning of the year is a great time to remind Instructors, Course Directors, and Educators to submit their disclosure form using the online submission tool. The tool is located on the CMS and is available to all of those who have access. A one-time submission via this tool will cover all disclosure responsibilities for the calendar year. Below is a link to the Online Disclosure Form Submission Guide. Keep in mind that Coordinators do not have to submit a disclosure form. If you have any questions, review the Online Disclosure Form Submission Guide, or email traumaeducation@facs.org.

Consider These Time-Saving Tips when Submitting PCRs

At the conclusion of a course, remember to submit the Post Course Report (PCR) within 60 days. This required submission is the final step in the lifespan of an ATLS course. Here are some tips to avoid common pitfalls:

  • Save! Save! Save! After entering information or making changes under the “Results Tab,” make sure to press the “Save” icon. This ensures the system is capturing any newly entered data. Pressing the button will prevent CME claiming issues, inaccurate dates on ATLS cards and certificates, delays in faculty role elevation, and more.

  • Double check scores. Did you know that the CMS will not allow submission of a course for approval if the post-test score and overall skill score do not match? Make sure to select Successful (for passing scores over 75%), Pending (for participants who need to retake the post-test), or Remedial (for those who score below 75%).

  • Repeat performers. It is not necessary to wait for participants to repeat the course before submitting the Post-Course Report. Updated scores from second (or third) retests can be entered after the course has been submitted. Remember to save the changes. For more information, contact traumaeducation@facs.org.

Tax-Exempt Organizations Are Now Required to Submit Paperwork

Are you seeing sales tax on your online orders? Tax-exempt organizations are now required to provide a copy of their tax exemption letter or certificate for sales tax to be removed. Submit this documentation with a tax removal request to traumaeducation@facs.org. Allow 2-5 business days for the exemption to be applied.


The Trauma Education Team is here to support you in offering quality educational programs. Share ideas for future newsletter topics, and contact traumaeducation@facs.org with questions.

American College of Surgeons
633 N. Saint Clair St., Chicago, IL 60611 | facs.org
p: 312-202-5000 | traumaeducation@facs.org

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