Reminder for ATLS Region XVI Resident’s paper competition – Call for Abstracts : Submission !!!!!!
As you may know The Region 16 Business meeting ( Invitation to all Country Chairs, Educators and National Coordinators) being held on Friday 22th – 23rd November 2024 in Bangkok Thailand at 09.30 Thailand time.
Closing date for submission of abstract is 20th October 2024. Each country in Region 16 will select and submit ONE entry to this competition.
A reminder that the competition is open to all general surgery trainees, and surgical specialty trainee or trauma fellow. Medical students are not eligible. To be eligible for presentation at the national level, abstracts submitted may have been previously presented but not published as full papers in any peer-reviewed journal before the scheduled ATLS Global Symposium planned for March 2025.
The abstracts should describe original research in trauma, critical care or injury prevention.
The topics can be categorised as either:
1) basic laboratory research or
2) clinical investigation.
Abstracts must be submitted as: Attention Chulada Tanabadin
(Thailand ATLS Coordinator Email ) by 20th October 2024.
For your information in your preparation for the Resident paper competition , these are the general criteria that are used for judging paper competitions.
- Topic/title
- Paper quality
- Presentation quality
- Scientific merit
- Relevance and importance
- Originality and individual work
- Question response
For further details, please see the attachment here.